Monday 6 December 2010

Interactive Space

Initial ideas:
Thought about doing a interactive space which involves the users, makes them take morale decisions which effect the overall outcome, this way it reflects the users personality. i decided to do a day in the life of for my interactive space having one main character which the story revolves around and the users will have to make a number of decisions throughout which will effect this characters day, essentially the user will be the character within the interactive space, because all the pictures will be POV shots.
              It will start with the user having to make two choices for the character each leading to a different storyline, throughout the choices they make will affect the story later on, say if they are nasty to another character within the story later on that character might get their own back which essentially would disrupt the users day, also if the side with one character rather than another this might benefit them later on.

I plan to storyboard my ideas and decide of all the shots I will take and how they are linked together, all my shots will be POV giving user a personal feel within my story, will also decide to have a few morale options which will relate to the characters within the story and this will affect the overall outcome. I plan for the story to have an eventual goal something that the user is trying to get to, as well as this their needs to be interesting conflicts throughout to hold the users interest

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