Friday 28 October 2011

Feedback for DP3 ideas.

On Friday i had to present my ideas for DP3 to Jools and the group. I started my pitch with my idea around the choose freedom concept. My first idea was to do with video games and the idea was to show someone choosing a game called freedom and then playing that game on his console, the feedback for this was mixed, many said they liked the idea and the concept but said it didnt really show a freedom from consumerism it rather promoted it, and therefore an action to take for this idea was to change it so it would clearly show a freedom from consumerism.

My second idea also was along the gaming side of consumerism but this time instead the character within would be relentlessly playing video games all day and all night in the darkness of his room, i had planned to show the characters health detierating and junk food boxes piling up, eventually a concerned unknown outsider will burst into his room draw back the curtains and the slogan choose freedom will read on the window panes. This idea got generally positive reviews due to the real sense of choosing freedom and also many said that i would be able to do very interesting things with lighting.

My third idea was to have the character internet shopping buying lots of items, tv's, games, DVD's etc. on each page he looks at will be a advert for a product called freedom and eventually his consumer brain will buy it and his computer will turn off therefore he has chosen his freedom. There were mixed feedback ideas for this many thought it would be to hard to do without showing internet logos and product logos, and many thought it needed further development.

From the feedback it was clear that i needed to storyboard all my ideas in detail, and make it clear how i would shoot each idea. I have decided that i will make my second idea into my film for the DP3 project, because i believe this will give the clearest message and i will be able to some very interesting things with that idea.

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