Wednesday, 3 October 2012


I began my research by trying to find items of clothing which have inbuilt heart rate monitors, this was to get an idea of what they might look like and also to see if there are any about. Although i want my product to measure muscle contractions as well i thought that heart rate alone would be a good place to start.
Initially all i could find was the standard heart rate monitor watches that you see everywhere.

After continuing to search around on the internet i found a website called which specialize in advanced sports clothing. There main product are shirts and sports bra's with inbuilt heart rate monitors which either transmit their results to a watch or another device.

From looking through their website i got a good sense about what they hope to achieve with the products and also why they have created them, as well as this i was able to see how the looks of the product reflect a real sense of sport. I feel this is a good stepping stone towards my advert and has giving me good ideas into how to present my product.

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