Monday, 23 January 2012

Music Video Final Idea

For my music video i have chosen track 6, i chose this because i didn't want anything to fast paced i like how its quite slow and relaxing and i believe this will make the creation process for the video easier. I've made a music video before for a techno track and the numerous quick cuts for that made it very hard.
             For my idea i plan to have a video trying to portray someones subconscious and try to show how their environment around them effects them emotionally. the main concept surrounding my idea is to have my character experience something, then to have the camera to zoom into the pupil of his eye the screen go black and then a series of images and colours to appear. Hopefully these will successfully portray how the character is feeling.
         Currently i am still planning my ideas about what the character will experience, i'm thinking about showing possibly nature, society, media however it is still a work in progress,  but i have a good idea of how i shall portray his subconscious. I will use after effects to layer up the images and then premiere pro to link this with the other footage.

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