Friday, 10 December 2010

Interactive Space: Finished

How that i had all my images i set about creating my interactive space using adobe dream weaver, this was quite monotonous but after a couple of hours i managed to finish it with completed captions, This is the link to the start: file:///C:/Users/joe/Documents/Uni/Design%20Practice%201/Interactive%20Space/Finished%20Interactive/index.html

I feel it works well, although some of the images are wrongly sized, but apart from that i like it. I tried to create one that had no demographic but after having some feedback it seems that was allot harder than i had thought.

Interactive Space Images

Monday, 6 December 2010

Interactive Space: Storyboard

Now that I had all my ideas together I decided to draw up my storyboard this would show all the pictures I was planning to take and how they would link together with each other and in turn create my Interactive Space, I would have a focal starting point with two choices from these my story would be created each decision of the user would change the story but all would result in eventually the same outcome.

Interactive Space: Practice

Having storyboarded all my images for my interactive space and taken the images I decided to use Adobe Dreamweaver to practice linking some random images together so I as clear how I would need to go about creating my final piece, with help from Simon and a brief tutorial I chose 4 images from the internet all money images and decided that as a practice task I would play around with the images and hotspots in order to get a rough idea of how I would need to link my actual images when it came to it. These are two of the images I used for my practice interactive space, I didn’t really have a theme or any ideas behind it, it was more for the practice to teach myself how to confidently use Dreamweaver.

 I found using Dreamweaver very easy, and with a template to work with i quickly was able to change the size and colour of my hotspots as well as changing there location, doing so I was able to create links from each image to the next which allowed me to work through a series of images with ease. Having done this i am ow very confident that when coming to complete my final Interactive Space that i will have no trouble in creating a fun and working story.

Interactive Space

Initial ideas:
Thought about doing a interactive space which involves the users, makes them take morale decisions which effect the overall outcome, this way it reflects the users personality. i decided to do a day in the life of for my interactive space having one main character which the story revolves around and the users will have to make a number of decisions throughout which will effect this characters day, essentially the user will be the character within the interactive space, because all the pictures will be POV shots.
              It will start with the user having to make two choices for the character each leading to a different storyline, throughout the choices they make will affect the story later on, say if they are nasty to another character within the story later on that character might get their own back which essentially would disrupt the users day, also if the side with one character rather than another this might benefit them later on.

I plan to storyboard my ideas and decide of all the shots I will take and how they are linked together, all my shots will be POV giving user a personal feel within my story, will also decide to have a few morale options which will relate to the characters within the story and this will affect the overall outcome. I plan for the story to have an eventual goal something that the user is trying to get to, as well as this their needs to be interesting conflicts throughout to hold the users interest

My Final Animation

My Station Indent

I have finished all my research and ideas for my own station indent and now I plan to put it all together using 3ds max. I've started with the idea of a football and my name being together in the animation and both moving to show what i have learned so far, it will also show how i have learnt to adapt shapes and create 3d objects. I began by creating my name i choice a simple arial text and the colour red for my name.

Having done this I proceeded to make it 3d by using the modifier tool extrude, using this i could make my name appear 3d and rotate it and place it where i wanted within the view tabs.

Having my name in place and how I liked it I began to set about creating my football, I wanted this to be as realistic as possible. I began by creating a extended primitive, Hedra and then set about altering its parameters to dodec/icos, and its family parameters to 0.38 and its radius to 30, this gave me a basic starting shape for my football.

At this stage though it doesn't really look as realistic as I want to to, so the next step was to convert it to an editable poly, this would allow me to give it more detail in order for it to look a lot more like a football. Next I would alter its edges so I set about selecting all the edges and then by extruding them and changing the values to -1 for height and 0.3 for with it slowly begins to take shape. Having done this i could then set about tessellating my football. I selected all the polygons and then chose tessellate. Now I could add the Spherify modify to give my football its rounded shape.

Now that my football has taken shape all I needed to do was apply a meshsmooth modifier to give it a rounded look.

This is my completed football, now for my final task I would add some colour to in and then merge it with the earlier animation of my name and then i could begin animating.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Jelly Animation

Using 3ds Max we were given the initial task of animating the word Jelly, this was a sort of taster task for us to do which would allow us to lear how to use 3ds max. i had never used 3ds max before but straight away was intrigue and the endless possibilities that it gives you. We began by creating our word, using the command panel we were able to create shapes and then text, from this we were able to choose the font of our text and size.

having created our word using Courier New Bold font, we could then begin to modify it, we began by using the etrude modifier, and were told to extrude it by ten segments this made our word 3d and stand out, we then added a bend modifier which we altered and different frames which would show and ive our word movement, we were told to bend the X-Axis in orderto make our word look as if it were jumping. By continuingly altering the degrees that our word would bend on seperate frames we were able to also alter the distance of Z axis which made the word rise from the floor, this together with the bendin made our jelly look as if it were jumpin up and down, i found this very useful and was a great starter for the animation pathway and it really intrigued me to explore and see what else i could do, as well as giving me some great ideas for an animation of my own.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Station Indent

For this assignment, we were asked to create a station indent animation using 3ds max, it would have to represent me. I have been thinking of ideas for what i could do for my for my indent and trying to decide what best represent me, i do really enjoy football so i think that would be theme would be best for me.
            I hope to involve a cartoon football which is some way can produce my name or have my name relate to it, i am currently undecided. I thought it would be a good idea to research into current station indents to maybe get some ideas or techniques, this is a link to some past BBC:

In this clip there is alot of past station indents and i found it very useful, for ideas of my own. Alot of them are just 2d clips on the number two and the animation is done around the two and doesnt actually involve the two moving.
        I decided this is how i would like to portray my own animation, have my initial theme of the football static in the centre and then come up with a way in which i can animate my name into the clip.

Developed thoughts: Having the football as the main theme of my animation, i would like the way that my name appears with the animation to relate in some way to the football. here are a few thoughts i have come up with...

  • Name bounces like a football.
  • Name zooms like a football being kicked.
  • Name to come in letter by letter.
  • Name to explode onto screen.
These are a first few ideas, will develop them more and come to a final conclusion on how i will portray my animation. I do plan to draw my own captions for the animation, but for my name i will choose a font from the defaults.